Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tough Love

People often tout the virtues of tough love.  We say how great it is to have someone to tell it to us straight, someone who won't give up on us.  But really, when I don't want to do something, I'd much rather avoid it and live in denial than face it head-on.  But today I got a dose of tough love.

Here's what started it.

My friend Denise and I used to get up and do the P90X workout at 5:30 every morning at her house, which is conveniently located across the street from mine.  It is described this way:

Get absolutely ripped in just 90 days with P90X®!

See that? It says "Our Most Extreme Home Fitness Training System Ever!" And they're not kidding. We did this workout for the 90 days in the plan. I got stronger and in better shape, but I didn't really lose any weight.  Maybe 5 pounds. Why? I continued to eat junk, and lots of it. In fact, I think I ate even more while doing P90X because I thought I was somehow burning off everything I crammed into my mouth.

I finally mentioned this blog to her today, and she checked it out.  Then she realized my foot was no longer injured like it was before (which was my excuse at the time not to continue with another round of the workout program).  And guess what she wants to do?  P90X, Round 2.

I tried and tried to get out of it. It went something like this:

Me: I don't wanna.
Denise: We're gonna.
Me: I'm too out of shape.
Denise: I saw on your blog you're walking 45 minutes at a time.
Me: My foot will hurt.
Denise: You don't have to jump around.
Me: 5:30 is too early.
Denise: We'll do it after you drop your kiddo off at school.
Me: Crap.
Denise: We'll start on Friday.
Me: I don't wanna!
Denise: Okay, good.  See you then!

I'm so lucky to have someone who will give me a kick in the pants when I need it.  And I did need it.  Lucky for me, I have a few friends who aren't afraid to set me straight from time to time.

We've all been there.  There is fear of discomfort or pain or failure, so rather than tackling the obstacle, we run from it.  That's the safe thing to do, but it's not always the best thing to do.  And once in awhile, someone will be brave enough to slap us with a little tough love, and we'll be better for it.



  1. Too bad the housing market is so crappy or you could just move away from her to avoid it.

    Ah well, guess we gotta "get ripped" sometime :)

  2. I love Denise! (we all need a Denise in our lives)

  3. Just wanted to say hi and thank you for the comments on my blog. I hope you don't mind me adding you as one of my favorite blogs. Good luck on your weight loss journey and I will be checking back in to see how you are doing.

  4. Everyone needs a benevolent nag!!!

    Polar's Mom

  5. Hehee! You'll have to keep us posted how that goes!

  6. Hello. thank you for your comments on my blog. Like you I need tough love. I go to kick-boxing because my instructor whose a Master in Karate yells at us. He tells us that he dosen't care if we hate him. He's like an Army drill instructor. Thing is. it works! I also need to be with other people to compete with and suffer with.
